Saturday, December 15, 2012

Facts About Gun Laws (Why They Don't Prevent Shootings)

Oct 2015 - NY Times - the mass shooters who got their guns legally.

“Rarely if ever do you see people who have bought a gun responsibly killing a cop,” Pinellas County Sheriff Bob Gualtieri said. “That never happens.” Universal background checks won't help.


Think Tough Gun Laws Keep Europeans Safe? Think Again... (John Lott)

Interpol Chief Ponders Armed Citizenry After Westgate.

Detroit Police Chief Supports Armed Citizenry

Senior Citizens prevent mass shooting because citizen had concealed handgun permit. (not that anyone should need permission, the criminals sure don't ask) Link to local news article.

If you're an off duty cop you're allowed to defend yourself like this, but if you're not, well, you're shit out of luck, because the people who call themselves "government" in Chicago think they are the elite and everyone else should be ruled by them.

Common myths about "gun control."

Survey of police - the vast majority favor civilian gun ownership and permissive concealed carry. Most think "gun violence" is caused by "decline of parent and family values".

Guns Save Lives site documenting some of the instances of self defense in the U.S.

CDC Study on "gun violence" including quantification of defensive gun uses in the U.S.

One of the best articles pointing out the folly of "gun control", by Thomas Sowell

Where Does That “90% of Americans Support Expanded Background Checks” Come From? Misleading wording and question 35 which never gets MSMedia coverage.

CDC cause of death paper (includes firearm deaths). Homicide was 16th.

Very good written statement to Senate Judiciary on the AWB ban.

False: 40% of gun sales do not have background checks.

Massachusetts has the most strict gun control laws and gun crime has increased.

Sheriffs in New York slam SAFE Act.

Pearl Junior High Shooting Spree Stopped by Armed Citizen:
The school shooter "went on to wound seven others before leaving, intending to drive off campus and conduct another shooting at the nearby Pearl Junior High School. However, assistant principal Joel Myrick had retrieved a .45 pistol from the glove compartment of his truck and subdued Woodham inside his mother's car."

How many children did this armed citizen save?

Appalachian School of Law Shooting Spree Stopped by Armed Citizens:
"On January 16, 2002, a disgruntled former student at the Appalachian School of Law in Grundy, Virginia, had killed three people, including the school’s dean, when two students, both off-duty law-enforcement officers, retrieved their weapons and pointed them at the shooter, who ended his killing spree and surrendered."

Police Stop Mass School Shooting
See comment from alfromchgo who was the officer's Sergeant for more details. Do a search on the page for

School district in Texas has had staff with concealed handguns since 2007
David Thweatt said there have been no incidents since October 2007, when his district adopted the plan giving an unspecified number of teachers and school staff -- dubbed "Guardians" -- authority to carry concealed weapons on school premises. Participating staff are anonymous and known only to Thweatt and the school board, which must approve each application for an employee to become a Guardian. They receive a small stipend annually.

“We’re 18 miles and 30 minutes from the nearest police station," Thweatt said. "So we are our first responders. If something happened here, we would have to protect our children. You know, police officers are true, everyday heroes in my book, but one of them once told me something very revealing. He said, ‘Ninety-five percent of the time, we get to the scene late.’ I can’t afford to let that happen.”

Thomas Sowell: In Gun Control Debate, Rhetoric Replaces Hard Facts

David Thweatt interview.

Less than 2% of gun crimes involve "assault weapons".

Spree shooters on prescription drugs.

Barbara Boxer Wants National Guard in Government Indoctrination Camps. If the NRA suggests it, it's bad, if Barbara Boxer suggests it, it's good.

NPR has a somewhat reasonable discussion (3 anti's against one slightly weak pro)

Homeowner shoots 3 heavily armed home invaders. Case for 30 round magazines.

The Port Arthur Australia massacre shooter may have been motivated by media coverage of another massacre. Continue reading for "copy-cat" motivations also:

"Professor Paul Mullen, a forensic psychiatrist with extensive involvement following the string of massacres in Australia and New Zealand, attributes both the Port Arthur Massacre and some of the earlier massacres to the copycat effect.[22] In this theory the saturation media coverage provides both instruction and perverse incentives for dysfunctional individuals to imitate previous crimes. In Tasmania, a coroner found that a report on the current affairs programme A Current Affair, a few months earlier had guided one suicide, and may have helped create the expectation of a massacre.[23][24][25] The coverage of the Dunblane massacre, in particular the attention on the perpetrator, is thought to have provided the trigger for Bryant to act." - Wikipedia

Extremely strict Australian gun laws after the Port Arthur massacre did little or nothing. (Wikipedia)

Australia's Gun Laws - Little Effect (Time Magazine):
"The hypothesis that the removal of a large number of firearms owned by civilians [would lead to fewer gun-related deaths] is not borne out by the evidence."

When society falters in its ability to protect my family, my response is not to give up my ability to protect them and hope the criminals and the mentally ill will go along with the program.”

How the Media May be a Contributor:
You want to know why. This may sound cynical, but here’s why.
It’s because of the way the media reports it. Flip on the news and watch how we treat the Batman theater shooter and the Oregon mall shooter like celebrities. Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris are household names, but do you know the name of a single victim of Columbine? Disturbed people who would otherwise just off themselves in their basements see the news and want to top it by doing something worse, and going out in a memorable way. Why a grade school? Why children? Because he’ll be remembered as a horrible monster, instead of a sad nobody.

- Morgan Freeman

500 homicides in "gun free" Chicago - McCarthy issued a statement Friday calling the milestone a "tragic number that is reflective of the gang violence and proliferation of illegal guns that have plagued some of our neighborhoods."

- Chicago is one of the capitols of "gun control". Working well, isn't it? Make guns illegal and only the criminals have them.

Do magazine capacity limits limit leathality?

Misleading "facts" "gun control" advocates use...

They want to ban kitchen knives in Britain. Really. (BBC)

Gun Control, Gun Rights, Gun Politics and Newtown

FBI report that demonstrates the need for AR-15's for
civilians normal peaceful people.

Double-standard for the rich and famous. No charges against David Gregory, but if you're a normal person, you will go down.

U.S. founder's quotes on 2nd Amendment.

Forensic Psychologist Dr Park Dietz has been asking media to not do what they continue to do to encourage more massacres:

Reason citizens need semi-automatic rifles with 30 round standard capacity magazines:

Excellent discussion here:

This Sheriff wants people in his area armed (starts 3:30)

Supporting documentation for the Reason video.

Violence and suicide caused by anti-depressant medications:

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